Prioritise Sustainable Building to Reduce your Company’s Environmental Impact


Businesses play a significant role in shaping the built environment, and their commitment to sustainable practices in both construction and operations is critical if climate targets are to be achieved.

Clancourt, the developers of the final phase of the Park Place development, have demonstrated this commitment with the completion of Four & Five Park Place. Sustainable buildings minimise their environmental impact by incorporating energy-efficient designs, utilizing renewable resources, and employing eco-friendly technologies. Beyond reducing carbon footprints, this approach contributes to the broader goals of conservation and resource efficiency. By prioritizing sustainability in construction and day-to-day operations, businesses align themselves with global climate objectives.

From the outset, Clancourt put an emphasis on greening their latest 198,000 sq ft development at Four & Five Park Place. In securing LEED and WELL certifications, amongst others, they are offering frameworks for businesses to assess and improve the sustainability of their buildings. These certifications provide guidelines on energy efficiency, water conservation, overall environmental performance and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing. Clancourt also focused on renewable energy solutions, such as solar panels and heat pumps, which enable businesses to generate clean energy on-site, reducing reliance on traditional power sources. In addition, due to decarbonisation targets for the Irish electrical grid, use of these technologies facilitate a pathway to Net Zero Carbon. These are complimented by energy management systems and smart building technologies which are intrinsic to optimizing resource usage and reducing energy consumption in operational phases of Clancourt’s new building stock.

Clancourt is a market leader in identifying the opportunities that lie in the growing demand for sustainable construction and green building practices in Ireland, and increased environmental awareness and regulatory incentives have been intertwined in Four & Five Park Place. Embracing sustainable building techniques can position Ireland as a leader in eco-friendly development, attracting investors and enhancing its positive international reputation. The country’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and achieving climate targets, through the National Climate Action Plan, provides another avenue for opportunity. By promoting sustainable buildings, Ireland can significantly contribute to its overall climate action agenda.

Embracing sustainable practices enhances Ireland’s global competitiveness, as environmentally conscious practices, together with environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) become more of a priority for consumers, investors, and international partners. Businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability are likely to attract positive attention, promoting economic growth.

Sustainable buildings incorporating renewable energy sources also reduce dependence on non-renewable energy and enhance energy security. By incorporating these sources within the design, the downside risks of significant capital expenditure in removing historic plant that depend on fossil fuels again reaffirms an occupier’s green agenda. In delivering Four & Five Park Place to the highest sustainability building practices as per the RIBA 2025 targets, the upfront costs associated with implementing sustainable building practices are significant. However, the long-term benefits vastly outweigh these initial investments. Energy-efficient technologies and green building designs included in the base build will lead to lower operational costs, saving occupiers significant overheads in the long run.

In summary, a continued focus on sustainable buildings in Ireland not only aligns with global environmental directives but also positions the country for economic resilience, innovation, and international competitiveness. Given the pathway Four & Five Park Place has been constructed alongside, it is likely to reap the rewards of the present and future well-being of business occupiers, the economy and ultimately the broader community.


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